At UTSEUS, research is threefold:

- in 2011, UTSEUS launched its first laboratory between the UT group and SHU dedicated to urban studies : ComplexCity. Its research scope focuses on data science and complex systems for smart cities and the sustainable city of the future.

- in 2011, a cooperation was launched on the theme of additive manufacturing between the Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur les Matériaux, les Surfaces et les. Procédés (LERMPS of UTBM and the Institute of Carnot de Bourgogne) and the SHU key-State laboratory on special steels. Many conferences (the last in October 2017) and successful or ongoing PhD theses accompany this cooperation;

- in 2017, the Laboratory of nano-optics and optical instrumentation (LNIO, Institut Charles-Delaunay, UMR, CNRS-UTT) and the Key Laboratory for Advanced Display and System Application signed a cooperation agreement on joint research themes in nano-technology and nano-optics.